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Exposing counterfeit science
Counterfeit science is worthless information. The details do not support the conclusions being drawn from the evidence.
by CMI editors
Skeptics challenge: a ‘God of love’ created a killer jellyfish?
How to answer a common objection from scoffers.
by David Catchpoole
In an increasingly godless society … truth matters!
As secularism’s grip on society intensifies, a humble acceptance of Genesis as history is as vital as ever.
by Dominic Statham
Planets around other stars: Is there life on them?
Planets around other stars are problematic for evolutionary theories. There is no life in them, because they are not suitable homes. And life can’t arise from non-living chemical, even on Earth; rather, God created first during Creation Week.
by Jonathan Sarfati
Nuclear engineer defends biblical creation
Christian Ph.D. engineer defends Creation with scientific support
by Jonathan Sarfati
Was there really no death before the Fall?
A correspondent asks: Was there really no death before the Fall? What about bugs and bee stingers?
by Lita Sanders
Cosmic and universal death from Adam’s fall: an exegesis of Romans 8:19–23a
Romans 8 testifies that the Curse is universal in extent.
by Henry B. Smith Jr
Earth’s design for life
The earth is a systems engineering masterpiece
by Jonathan Corrado
Editorial: Social sophistry
A sneak preview of the editorial from the soon-to-be-released Creation magazine. Subscribers will be delighted with the magazine’s powerful content and brilliant graphics.
by Don Batten
Socialist science in the 20th century
How Communism undermined science in the USSR
by Marc Ambler
The Church’s hole in the heart
Even atheists are saying that the Western Church has a heart problem. This is impairing her vital mission, so what’s to be done?
by Philip Bell
The AI revolution
Humans are not meat-based computers; no matter how good an AI program might be at churning out responses to questions, it will never be emotionally involved with anything it does.
by David Thomas